How to open Extremely large Text files in Windows

EditPadLiteisacompactgeneral-purposetexteditor.UseEditPadLitetoeasilyeditanykindofplaintextfile.EditPadLitehasalltheessentialfeatures ...,EmEditorisafast,lightweight,yetextensible,easy-to-usetexteditor,codeeditor,CSVeditor,andlargefileviewerforWi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


EditPad Lite

EditPad Lite is a compact general-purpose text editor. Use EditPad Lite to easily edit any kind of plain text file. EditPad Lite has all the essential features ...

EmEditor (Text Editor)

EmEditor is a fast, lightweight, yet extensible, easy-to-use text editor, code editor, CSV editor, and large file viewer for Windows. Both native 64-bit and 32- ...

how to edit large size text file

2020年9月5日 — I have exported file server permittions data with Windows (subancl.exe) tool. It have made 1.5 GB size text file.(lacs of row in file).

How to open a very big text file in Windows

2023年6月29日 — Try Notepad++ (free), Textpad (free to try), EditPad Lite (free for personal use), and EditPad Pro ($50) are a few I have used that support at ...

How to open large (10gb+) Text files and edit them

2017年9月6日 — On Windows, you can install an application called EmEditor. This application can open large files. It is a licensed application however you ...

Large file text editor and viewer

UltraEdit can be used to open, edit, compare, and save large text files (even over 4+ GB!) We explain and break down configuration settings, here.

Large text viewer

2016年4月26日 — Large text viewer was designed for viewing large text files (over gigabytes). It uses small amount of memory and you can view file before ...

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files [closed]

2008年10月1日 — EmEditor (Windows) – Handles very large text files nicely (officially up to 16 TB). The speed of search and replace is very fast. Free version ...

What are the best text editors for manipulating very large ...

2019年1月12日 — Notepad++ (Windows) and Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux) support files up to 2 GB. Here is more extended answer coming from a Stack Overflow ...


EditPadLiteisacompactgeneral-purposetexteditor.UseEditPadLitetoeasilyeditanykindofplaintextfile.EditPadLitehasalltheessentialfeatures ...,EmEditorisafast,lightweight,yetextensible,easy-to-usetexteditor,codeeditor,CSVeditor,andlargefileviewerforWindows.Bothnative64-bitand32- ...,2020年9月5日—IhaveexportedfileserverpermittionsdatawithWindows(subancl.exe)tool.Ithavemade1.5GBsizetextfile.(lacsofro...